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Gather 'round, friends, it's demo time! - String Theory Yarn Co

Gather 'round, friends, it's demo time!

by Meg Dedolph

We love sharing ways to make projects easier, so starting this weekend and continuing on Saturdays through November at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., we’ll be offering demonstrations of some of our favorite fiber arts tips and tricks. 

Stop by for a visit and let us show you something new with a quick demo that will leave you with one more tool in your toolbox or some inspiration for that next project.

Nov. 5: Interchangeable needle tricks - learn about one of our favorite products and what they can do for your knitting. An interchangeable needle set means you’ll never be without the right-sized needle for your project.

Nov. 12: Sliding is Fun - this free and easy baby blanket project makes a striped blanket perfect for car seats or strollers. You can adapt it to make scarves as well, mixing and matching your favorite colors.

Nov. 19: Crochet cast on - Provisional cast-ons are versatile and useful in so many ways, but they often send knitters scrambling for YouTube. Let us show you some ways to make this cast-on fun and easy.

Nov. 26: Fixing dropped stitches - Nobody likes dropping stitches, but we’ll show you how to fix them fast and get your knitting projects back on track.

Next article Special Event: Meet and Greet with Ruth Boelkins aka Spoutknits

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