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Blockbuster Knitting and Crochet: Pattern Ideas for Both Barbie and Oppenheimer Fans

Blockbuster Knitting and Crochet: Pattern Ideas for Both Barbie and Oppenheimer Fans

by Meg Dedolph

Hey, we're not immune to fads around here. 
So, in the spirit of the summer's biggest blockbusters ... here it is ... a roundup of patterns, for both Barbie and Oppenheimer fans.

Every fashion doll needs a wardrobe and this one has a great collection of separates - tops, bottoms, skirts, pants. Knitting little things is a great way to use up yarn scraps. 

One of science's leading ladies, Marie Curie, deserves mention in any blog post about atomic science. Here's a great knitted mitt project for colorwork (and women in science) fans.

marie curie shawl in fingering weight yarn
Curie Shawl in Fingering Weight Yarn

(If you're curious about other women scientists' contributions to the Manhattan Project, here's a timeline for you to take a look at.)

If you like a more subtle nod to the sciences, here's an ebook of science-themed shawls, including one based on the noble gases.

Barbie crop knitted sweaterBarbie Crop in DK Weight Yarn


And finally, an adult-sized Barbie-themed sweater, with colorwork motifs across the yoke.

Is crochet more your thing?

marie curie crocheted doll
Marie Curie in DK Weight Yarn

It's the best of both worlds - crochet your own Marie Curie and some outfits for her as well.

I remember being fascinated by the molecule models some of my friends had to make in college. Here's a way to make some of your own, using yarn. This could be a lot of fun - what about a caffeine molecule for a coffee-lover?  Or a sugar molecule for a baker? (You can knit them too.)

Barbie crocheted outfits
Barbie Festival Outfits in Fingering Weight Yarn

Finally, let's not leave Barbie out. Here's a crochet wardrobe for her that's up-to-the-minute with granny squares and other boho festival favorites.

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