Our newest trunk show with Copper Corgi couldn't have come at a better moment! With a heatwave here in Chicago and covering much of the country, we've got summer projects on our mind. We're delighted to welcome Copper Corgi's trunk show featuring her newest line, Shoreline Silk - a 100% silk noil hand-dyed in an array of nature-inspired hues. Learn more about Sarah of Copper Corgi below, and be sure to scoop up a few skeins of Shoreline Silk in the store and online!
How did you get into dying? Tell us your story.

One day I quit my desk job... and became a dyer. It all began on a summer afternoon in my kitchen with a blank skein of yarn and a few tiny pots of powder dye. While my trusty companion, Penny the corgi, and I sat on the porch and admired my work drying in the sun, I knew there was no looking back. The Copper Corgi was born that day in 2011 and has since grown out of the kitchen and into the hands of fiber enthusiasts around the world. 

I grew up in Maryland. But have since moved my life “down South”. I now live, with my husband and two children, in Florida, along the Space Coast.


What is your favorite part of the process?

I love when I go to fiber events and past customers bring me something they have made with my yarn. Its like seeing my babies all grown up!
Where do you get your inspiration for colors?
Everybody probably says “nature” but its true! When I started dying I lived in Savannah, Georgia and a lot of my colors leaned towards greens and grays, like the oaks trees and Spanish moss I was surrounded by. Now I live at the beach in Florida and more vibrant tropical colors are finding their way into my yarns.
How do you come up with names for the colors?

This might be the hardest part of the job! I used to name every color based on a song title that related to the color and usually it only made sense to me in my head, like “No Quarter” and “Tea for One". Nowadays I'm a little more straightforward with the names.  “Dune Daisy”, these are small yellow native flowers that we have everywhere here. And “New Teal” is a new teal color that I came up with recently. Haha, maybe a bit too on the nose for that one.
Which color best reflects your personality and why?

I am somewhat moody, driven and have a sarcastic and dark sense of humor. So Id have to say that the steely gray of “Iron Ore” reflects my vibe the best!
Tell us about a WIP or project in your queue that you're really excited about!
My favorite pattern right now is the Rock-It Tee. I love being able to play with stripes and colors. For a two-stripe T, most sizes only need 1 of each skein! Need it to be bigger? Try a 3-stripe/3-skein combo!
Of what you are sending us, what are your favorite colors or color combinations?
My newest yarn, Shoreline Silk, has a beachy Florida vibe. It is 100% silk noil, which gives it warm-weather lightness as if it were cotton, but with the softness and subtle shine of silk. This yarn is perfect for those days when it is hot outside but air-conditioner-chilly inside. I take dye color inspiration from the nature that surrounds me - coastal beaches and tropical flora. Try combining the grey/green blues of “Low Tide” with the sunny and bright “Dune Daisy”. Or go earthy and match the deep greens of “Everglades” with the neutral “Swan Song”.
What is your best knitting or crocheting tip?
Enjoy the process. For me, the enjoyment of making is in the journey, not the destination. Don’t worry about unfinished WIPS!
What are two interesting things about you that aren't fiber related?
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2014. This harsh slap of reality has pushed me to become a healthier and much more active person. I am currently training to race an IronMan triathlon, I swim bike and/or run every day.
If you didn't dye yarn, what would be your dream job?
The only title better than this job would be “heiress” or “trust fund child”. I found my calling when I started dyeing yarn. The people I get to meet and work with are truly the best. I make my own hours, so I can work and still raise my children. And all my fun fiber equipment is a write-off!
What is the best advice you've ever received?
In college I wanted to move to Savannah to go to the Savannah College of Art and Design and pursue my Master's degree in Fine Art. My advisor said “do you want to be a teacher?” I said no, I want to be a designer and I want to live in Savannah. So he said “then  just move to Savannah and get a job, you don’t need your masters.” He saved me so much money!
Share with us one great thing you're either listening to or watching right now (audiobook/podcast/show/etc) - we love recommendations for what to check out while we're knitting!
Oh its almost time for Le Tour de France! So I'm watching the Netflix documentary “Unchained”, which follows the teams' progress and drama during last summer’s Tour.