Making Rift the Way You Like It
By Liz Daly
Janet has been keeping me busy knitting some samples for the store. My latest is Rift, which I knit in about 2 weeks, knitting a few hours every evening.
By Liz Daly
Janet has been keeping me busy knitting some samples for the store. My latest is Rift, which I knit in about 2 weeks, knitting a few hours every evening.
By Michelle Enerson
Every month Michelle searches Ravelry to inspire you with patterns that are Hot Right Now. This month's are particularly good. Take a look.
By Michelle Enerson
Every month Michelle searches Ravelry for the hottest patterns and then makes suggestions for yarns that would work beautifully. Give us a call if you'd like us to help you put together yarn for your next project.
By Janet Avila
We started the Mystery Knitalong (KAL) years ago, thinking people might like it. But the reason we continue year after year after year is because people LOVE it. I think I know why. The average person signs up, thinking "oh, this might be fun..." Or they like the kit. Or their friend talks them into it.