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Mystery Knitalong June 2020 - String Theory Yarn Co

Mystery Knitalong June 2020

For the past several years, we’ve celebrated the start of summer with a Mystery Knitalong (KAL).

What is a Mystery KAL?

Starting on Sunday June 7th, we will email you a piece of a pattern, including pictures and helpful hints. At the end of four weeks you will have all the pieces of the puzzle and a lovely knitted …. something.

You Can Do It!

The projects we pick are easy enough for adventurous beginners but interesting enough for more advanced knitters. Our hope is that you’ll learn a little something along the way.

If you need help at any point, you are welcome to stop by the store for assistance. A group gets together on Sunday afternoons to help each other through. And we will set up a Mystery KAL topic on our Ravelry board for those of you who are not local.


Get a Kit:

Your first challenge will be to decide on your yarn. You will need four colors of sportweight yarn.

  1. 290 yds Color A
  2. 292 yards Color B
  3. 276 yds Color C
  4. 130 yds Color D

Our theme this year is Frida Kahlo, so we put together kits based on two of her patterns. The yarns are primarily cotton and linen.

Click here to order a Still Life kit

Click here to order a Self Portrait


You will also US4 and US5 24" circular needles.

Click to order bamboo or metal needles and we will include these with your kit.

Join Us!

I hope you will join us in this adventure. It is a great opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and learn something new.

If you get a kit, you will be automatically registered for the Knitalong. However, if you choose to find your own yarn, you will need to sign up here to receive your clues. The cost to participate is $10, this includes the cost of the pattern which you will receive in its entirety at the end of the KAL.


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Caroline Caracciolo - June 5, 2020

I can’t wait until 5:00pm CT to purchase the yearns for Marie Green’s Soundtrack 4 day KAL

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