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Our Neighbors at the Bookstore - String Theory Yarn Co

Our Neighbors at the Bookstore

One of the best parts of being at 477 N Main Street is that we are right next to The Bookstore. Shannon and Gail (and Jane before them) have been wonderful neighbors. If you haven't been in there, you really should. They have a great selection and the best recommendations.

What made you want to take over the bookstore?

For Gail:  Her daughter started working here when she was 14 and she loved what it taught her in her first job -- huge personal responsibility, appreciation of customer loyalty, and a clear demonstration of why small locally owned stores, especially bookstores, are an important part of our town.  In turn, she began to feel strongly about the value of The Bookstore staying here for many years.

For Shannon, (whose daughter also worked in the store through high school), it was a strong belief in the importance of books, and independent bookstores, and wanting to make sure our community continued to have a bookstore when Jane retired.

What books on women would you recommend?

The Woman's Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote.
Bad Feminist, by Roxanne Gay
My Own Words, by RBG
We Should all be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem
The Woman who Smashed Codes by Jason Fagone
The Peabody Sisters by Megan Marshall
Fly Girls: How Five Daring Women Defied all Odds and Made Aviation History by Keith O'brien
Becoming would be wonderful to listen to while you're knitting because Michelle Obama reads it. Bad Feminist and We Should All Be Feminists would also be good because they're collections of shorter essays.

What question do you wish people would ask you?

We wish people would ask, "Why should I pay full retail prices at downtown local stores instead of getting things cheaper online!"
When you shop in our downtown, you obviously support the local economy, the tax base, the hiring of employees, and other visible signs.  In return, we are able to give back to our schools, non-profits, and charities.
However, beyond the economic reasons, shopping locally creates the opportunity for greater choices.  Knowledgeable staff members provide individualized recommendations that may not be what you would find online.  Eventually, if people only shopped online, their choices would be limited to what is most profitable for the larger big box companies and there would be
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