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New Instructor: Elizabeth Carrera - String Theory Yarn Co

New Instructor: Elizabeth Carrera

We are very happy to introduce Elizabeth Carrera to everyone as our newest instructor!

She is scheduled to teach Knit 101 in October and Knit 102 in November.  You may have bumped into Elizabeth in the store as she often drops by to see what's new and you can also find her on Ravelry and Instagram as loftysparrow. 

Elizabeth answered a few questions for us, so we can all get to know her a little more.  
1. What did you learn first knit or crochet? I learned knitting first from one of my grandmas, I think I was around 7 and really didn't have the patience.  In my teen  years I learned to crochet from my other grandma and I stuck with it for many years.  I re-taught myself knitting in my late 20's because there are just too many gorgeous patterns.
2. Do you throw or pick (continental)  or both? I originally learned to throw, but taught myself continental because I wanted to be a faster knitter.
3. Starting a project or finishing a project?  Starting
4. Fingering weight or super bulky?  Fingering
5. Are you a monogamous knitter?  How many WIP  's do you have?  Is there such a thing as too many WIPs? I just finished a few, but currently I have 3 knit and 2 crochet projects on my needles/hooks with 4 more projects queued up. 
6. Are you a yarn collector or do you buy just what you need per project? I *try* to buy per project- but I'm not very good at that... There is just so much pretty yarn! 
7. What do you do outside of knitting and crocheting?  My day job is working as a therapist with kids who have developmental delays.  My other hobbies include keeping my 2 teenage boys fed, watching TV  with my husband, Instagram and reading.
8. Do you pull from the center or from the outside? - depends on the yarn and what I'm making. 

Welcome to String Theory, Elizabeth!
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