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5 Tips for Making the Most Out of a Yarn Crawl - String Theory Yarn Co

5 Tips for Making the Most Out of a Yarn Crawl

Our Chicago Yarn Crawl is a fabulous opportunity to visit shops you’ve never been to before and explore the Chicagoland! 

I have some tips for you in case you are new to yarn crawls or maybe haven't participated in a while.

  1. Avoid overwhelm. When you visit several stores in succession you might begin to get a little overwhelmed by possibilities. I recommend that you ask what that store has that might be unique. You might discover a popular project sample or an exclusive yarn or an interesting gadget.
  2. Explore the neighborhood. Allow time in your iternary for a little exploration beyond the yarn store. In Glen Ellyn, for example, we have the best coffee, the best cheese, the best cocktails...
  3. Take care of yourself. Bring water and wear comfortable shoes. Consider taking public transportation so you don't have to navigate traffic. String Theory is two blocks from the Metra Train Station.
  4. Take pictures. This will help you remember what you saw and where. Help the stores out by posting those pictures on social media and tagging them with #chicagoyarncrawl and #stringtheoryyarnco.
  5. Talk to people. When you are browsing or waiting in line to pay, strike up a conversation with the person next to you. Find out where they've been, their best discovery, what they are wearing.... The best part of the journey can be the people you meet along the way.

What are your best tips? Please share them in the comments.

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Sally - September 7, 2021

When shopping at multiple stores…if you pick up yarn for the free pattern, note the name and color somewhere on the pattern page. I also recommend that you bring a notepad and take a second to jot down the store name, the pattern, any yarn you got and, and if you bought that yarn for a different pattern, that name. Trust me. After 20 stores and 5 days, I was a bit delirious and had trouble remembering the conversations I had at each store about patterns and yarn. Last year, I only did three stores, but found a yarn that I loved, and bought a couple skeins to make the recommended pattern. Didn’t write the pattern down, and now I have no idea what to make with that gorgeous yarn. And have fun! I found String Theory through the yarn crawl-I would never be the knitter I am today without them! Thank you!

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