Lorajean Kelley and Shannon Squire
Lorajean Kelley, the mastermind behind Knitted Wit, is supremely talented at translating a current event into a yarn color. Her Cause yarns hit home for me every time. So when she announced that she was starting a Herstory collection. I immediately signed up. 2018 focused on women in STEM. (We still have some colors available. Take a look.) 2019 honors women in art. Here is the inspiration and color for March:
American film director Ava DuVernay has many firsts under her belt, and her activism and advocacy are inspiring as heck.

Take a look at this short video they made for us. They talk about the thinking behind the Herstory collection and their best knitting tips.
Want more of these lovelies? Follow them on Instagram: @shannonsq and @knittedwit. And watch their podcast.
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