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The Women of Handspun Hope - String Theory Yarn Co

The Women of Handspun Hope

These women survived the genocide in Rwanda.

Because they work at Handspun Hope, they earn steady income. They know that their children (and the others they raise) will have school fees paid and receive their education. The stress and fear of not knowing if or when they will feed their families is lifted from their shoulders.

And, there are other changes that occur slowly... the generational transformations, realized when the children grow up in a poverty-free environment.

Last summer, I was able to sit down and talk with Diana Wiley, founder of Handspun Hope. I found this fascinating. I hope you do too.



If you would like to support these women and change lives in Rwanda, stop by String Theory to pick up a skein or two of their yarn. This free pattern takes two contrasting skeins. The simple stitch pattern gives you time to contemplate the lives of these strong women that work hard to bring you this moment of peace.

 Hands-on Hope 100% Merino*
Hands-on Hope 100% Merino*
Or if you would like to learn the double-knitting technique, try the True Hope Cowl.
True Hope Cowl
              True Hope Cowl
*all photos by Abbey Henderson
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