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Sarah Keller, knitwear designer - String Theory Yarn Co

Sarah Keller, knitwear designer

One of the things that I value the most about my String Theory years is the friendships that I've developed. The key to my survival has been having several yarn store buddies that I can text with "What do you do...? How do you handle...? You are never going to believe what happened today...!"

Sarah is one such friend. She is the owner of Knot Another Hat in Hood River Oregon, the mastermind behind Knot Another Fiber Festival and the designer of many of our store favorite projects.

Remember the Mystery KAL 2017? That was hers.

This year's Carboned Copy Hat? Also Sarah's.

That cute hat in the Manos Fino Minis? Also Sarah's. Literally. She made the sample and sent it to me to display!

So when I asked her if she would make a video and answer a few questions. She said "Of course!" She is that kind of friend.  Take a look.

Previous article Held Together Hat Pattern

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