Calmer, Happier, More Productive: How Knitting Improves Your Health
written by Ann Weaver
Finding time to knit can help us stay healthy. Many studies from research universities and hospitals have proven that knitting (and other needle arts like crocheting, embroidery, and quilting) improve both physical and mental health. Here are just a few of the benefits.
Sequences Scarf by Lori Versaci
A Sense of Calm
Like yoga and Tai Chi, knitting involves repetitive motions, which can create a feeling of relaxation. What’s more, this feeling has physical benefits, such as lowered heart rate and blood pressure. One study determined that “textile therapy ”—quilting and knitting—were more effective at reducing stress than meditation.
If your chosen project doesn’t create a feeling of wellness, switch to something easier. I always have a few projects going, one of which is back-and-forth garter stitch or Stockinette stitch in the round. I can work on a project like this during my most stressful periods, and the rhythm of it is calming.
Love Note by Tin Can Knits
A Feeling of Pride
Knitting has a benefit that yoga and meditation don’t—a finished product! If the project is for a gift or for a cause, knitting it can provide a sense of purpose and connection to the larger world. If the project is for yourself, think about the pride you’ll feel when you wear it. I can’t think of an activity that rivals stitching for both relaxation and self-esteem. Those of us who need to feel productive, even on vacation or during time off, can keep our hands busy and push away the feeling of anxiety about “wasting time” (speaking from experience here!).
A Shift in Focus
Part of knitting’s capacity to reduce stress comes from the focus it requires. Because it requires knitters to pay attention to their work (more or less, depending on the project), it can redirect attention from pain, stress, or fatigue. Just focusing on something positive can reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, too.
Additionally, this focus can help us stay mentally sharp as we age. Like other activities that require mental engagement, knitting reduces the mild cognitive impairment that comes with aging. Even the most basic pattern requires some math skills!
A Community
Finally, although knitting is an individual activity, the communities of knitters that form in knitting groups, classes, and knit nights reduce isolation and create meaningful friendships. It’s easy to talk to new friends when you share a passion. Coming to knit night, an event or a class at String Theory can get you out of the house in the dark winter months and give you the joy of learning and creating.
Try This
Consider treating yourself or someone you love with a Surprise Bag. Ask for a meditative knit and we will put together a package created with the benefits of knitting in mind.
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